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Cormac Hughes —

Hughes applies various mediums in his creative practice, sculpture, audio, moving image and performance; interventions staged mid-exhibition that attempt to infuse a surreal or mythical element into brief experience. These tested sites and spaces with sound and performance excludes the artist from some of the fuller experience, valuing various recounts of the experience of work.

Performed works have assumed, in varying degrees, peripheral role within the exhibition event; be it a mid-exhibition interrupting live video call from hill-lands, a marching pipe band leading exhibition guests through city streets from one venue to the next or a musical performer learning music live, huddled in a corner of the exhibition space.

More recently, he plays upon fleeting ruminations/frustrations to initiate works that bypass his “better judgement”. These, in hindsight often lead to regret and a forfeiting of actions. This is evident in Cleaning Mashed Potato off BMW Windscreen and with Phone call with Ragnar Kjartansson’s Ma. Some urges are dealt with more appropriately; a jealousy of attention payed to garden plants at home led to a series of illustration, sparing harm to plants. That which binds the work is the industrious fallout of anxiety and assertiveness, and each work poises itself differently in the face of personal responsibility.

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